
Downhole automatic control technology

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-06-29 16:14:09 查看次數(shù):2538次
The progress of downhole automatic control technology is mainly reflected in downhole signal transmission while drilling technology and downhole automatic drilling system.
The progress of downhole automatic control technology is mainly reflected in downhole signal transmission while drilling technology and downhole automatic drilling system. In terms of measurement signal transmission while drilling, while improving the transmission performance of the drilling fluid pulse signal, it has developed various technologies such as electromagnetic transmission, acoustic wave transmission and wired drill pipe. The new generation of MWD drilling fluid pulse data transmission platform developed by Schlumberger, DigiScope and XACT, has developed a drill string acoustic transmission system that effectively solves the problem of low transmission data volume, slow transmission rate, impulse noise effect, speed regulation limitation, air drilling Difficulties in the transmission of signals and foam drilling signals. The Intelliserv smart drill pipe developed by National Oil Well Company has a transmission rate of 2Mb/s, which is regarded as one of the important advances in drilling technology in the past 25 years. The development of the downhole automatic control system is mainly reflected in the research and development and performance improvement of the automatic vertical drilling system and the rotary steering system. While realizing the multi-parameter fine evaluation of the formation and the high-precision control of the borehole trajectory, the measurement and control performance has been greatly improved.
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