
Automated drilling equipment

發布時間:2020-06-29 16:15:22 查看次數:5788次
The development and application of automated drilling rigs, automated measurement systems, and automated control systems has accelerated the development of automated drilling technology.
The development and application of automated drilling rigs, automated measurement systems, and automated control systems has accelerated the development of automated drilling technology. The AHEAD automated drilling rig developed by the Italian Drillmec company is equipped with dual hydraulic and electric drives. It is equipped with fully automatic off-line processing, continuous circulation and flow monitoring systems. It has functions such as intelligent drill pipe, continuous circulation, flow monitoring and automatic drilling, which improves drilling efficiency. above 50. The automated closed-loop drilling system developed by National Oil Well Company can obtain real-time parameters such as weight on bit, downhole vibration, and bottom hole pressure, and can automatically optimize the parameters of surface and downhole equipment and tools. It has been successfully applied in Eagle Ford shale area in the United States to achieve mechanical drilling speed In Dahua, the average daily footage of the test well increased by 17%. The online drilling fluid test system developed by Petrobras Brazil can automatically monitor drilling fluid rheology, conductivity, fluid loss, density, hydrogen sulfide content, pH value, solid phase content and particle size distribution and other parameters to predict and analyze drilling Change trend of liquid performance and give adjustment suggestions. The fully automatic drilling platform robot developed by the Norwegian Robotic Drilling System (Robotic Drilling System) can realize the automatic processing of drill rods, and has now entered the stage of promotion and application.
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