
The company again won the second golden bull award of Rudong e

發(fā)布時間:2020-09-30 09:14:19 查看次數:2854次
On May 18, 2018, at the first Rudong enterprise "golden bull Award" award ceremony, 33 enterprises such as Rutong shares bathed in the shining brilliance of "golden bull" and received the lofty praise of millions of people!

May 18 is destined to be an extraordinary day

On May 18, 2018, at the first Rudong enterprise "golden bull Award" award ceremony, 33 enterprises such as Rutong shares bathed in the shining brilliance of "golden bull" and received the lofty praise of millions of people!

At 19:30 on May 18, 2019, the stadium of Rudong sports center is glittering and full of pride.
Sponsored by Rudong County Committee of the Communist Party of China and Rudong County People's Government
The second golden bull award ceremony of Rudong enterprises was held.

This year, which units won the golden bull award and won the pure golden bull. What wonderful programs are there at the ceremony, let's look down together

The exciting moment came, and 37 outstanding entrepreneurs slowly walked into the party. They are the leaders of Rudong and the pride of Rudong. Because of their dedication and dedication, Rudong is today.

Let's take a look at the representatives of our Rutong shares. The sonorous and powerful slogans resound through the gymnasium and gymnasium. This slogan is just their love for their own enterprises, but also reflects their enthusiasm for their work.

With the singing of the national anthem, the award ceremony officially opened. The high melody and singing aroused the enthusiasm of all the people present, and the atmosphere reached a climax.

Taurus as a model

This selection activity, voluntarily declared by enterprises or recommended by the selection committee, has set up the "golden bull Award" for special contributions in the 40 years of reform and opening up and the "golden bull Award" in 2018. The awards are the annual outstanding contribution award, the annual high-quality development award and the annual reform and Innovation Award. It aims to further enlarge the brand effect of outstanding enterprises in Rudong, enhance the fighting effectiveness and influence of entrepreneurs, and create a good atmosphere of caring for enterprises and respecting entrepreneurs in the whole county.

At the award ceremony, a total of 37 enterprises won golden bull prizes made of pure gold.

20 enterprises such as Zhongtian science and technology group and Rutong Co., Ltd. won the "golden bull Award" for special contribution in 40 years of reform and opening up

Art performance of golden bull award ceremony

Children's acrobatic performance

Scene drama "fiery red oath"

Performance of innovation by the Yellow Sea

Dance: forty years of spring breeze

Song to the sun

Thirty seven entrepreneurs sing with their voices

Group photo of leaders of four sets of county leaders, entrepreneurs and actors
Struggle at the right time, hard work cast brilliant! Looking forward to Rudong enterprise development better and better, Rutong shares to create another brilliant!

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