
Cao Caihong, chairman of Rutong Co., Ltd., was awarded Nantong influential woman

發布時間:2020-09-30 09:13:03 查看次數:2681次
On July 7, Nantong held a meeting to commemorate the 109th anniversary of the international women's day on March 8, announcing the results of the search for "Nantong influential women in the past 70 years since the founding of new China" and the advanced

On July 7, Nantong held a meeting to commemorate the 109th anniversary of the international women's day on March 8, announcing the results of the search for "Nantong influential women in the past 70 years since the founding of new China" and the advanced female collectives and individuals who were commended at or above the provincial level in 2018.

Cao Caihong

Born in October 1950, a member of the Communist Party of China, secretary and chairman of the general Party branch of Jiangsu Rutong Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd. Female entrepreneurs who adhere to the machinery manufacturing industry, the only female chairman of Nantong listed enterprises (2016). As a successful case of state-owned enterprise restructuring, she built an old factory with serious losses into the "top 50" petrochemical manufacturing enterprises of China, a provincial high-tech enterprise and a provincial academician workstation. Adhere to the manufacturing industry, committed to technological innovation, enthusiastic about public welfare. Honors: outstanding entrepreneur of national machinery industry, model worker of Jiangsu Province, red flag bearer of "March 8th" of Jiangsu Province, and "three persons of the year" of Nantong private economy.

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