
MSS Master bushing


The factory produces various turntable cores and linings from 171/2in to 491/2in. The material is alloy steel castings. The dimensions are in accordance with API Spec 7K. There are two types of integral and split structures, distribution drive and square drive. Type, can be put into API standard drill pipe slips, drill collar slips, casing slips or roller cores.

Model Rotary table size(in) Insert bowl Tubulars OD (in)
MSS(Solid) 171/2-23 Insert bowl 1011 23/8-75/8
Extended insert bowl 1024 23/8-85/8
271/2 Insert bowl 1022 23/8-75/8
Extended insert bowl 1025 23/8-85/8
Insert bowl 1026 95/8-103/4
Insert bowl 2002 113/4-133/8
MSS split 171/2-271/2 - 23/8-75/8
MSPC(Solid) 201/2-221/2 Insert bowl 1809 23/8-85/8
Insert bowl 1902 95/8-103/4
Master bushing 1805-1 113/4-133/8
Master bushing 19333 113/4-133/8
23-271/2 NO.3 Insert bowl 1810 23/8-85/8
NO.2 Insert bowl 1904 95/8-103/4
NO.1 Insert bowl 1903 113/4-133/8
MDSP(Split) 171/2-201/2 - 23/8-85/8
MSP(Split) 271/2 - 23/8-85/8
MPCH 371/2 NO.3 Insert bowl 6608 23/8-85/8
NO.2 Insert bowl 6609 95/8-103/4
NO.1 Insert bowl 6610 113/4-133/8
491/2 MPCH371/2 23/8-133/8


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