
Cement slurry cementing technology

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-06-29 16:16:18 查看次數(shù):9611次
In recent years, the research and development of cement slurry cementing technology has mainly included multi-function, corrosion resistance, impact resistance, resistance to large temperature differences, ensuring construction safety, and improving cemen
In recent years, the research and development of cement slurry cementing technology has mainly included multi-function, corrosion resistance, impact resistance, resistance to large temperature differences, ensuring construction safety, and improving cementing quality. Companies such as Schlumberger and Halliburton have successively developed anti-gas channeling, self-healing, high-density and unconventional cement slurry cementing technologies. The FlexSTONE cement slurry system developed by Schlumberger has the characteristics of expansion, elasticity, high strength, gas channeling resistance, impact resistance, and maintenance of the integrity of the cement ring. It has a temperature resistance of 260°C and a density of 1.5 to 2.50g/cm3. The resin cementing technology developed by Halliburton solves the problems of brittleness and shrinkage of traditional cement slurries. It has long-term sealing of wellbore and interlayer sealing, and has been successfully applied on site. The nano-smart cement developed by Oceanit of the United States can respond to changes in pressure, temperature and other conditions. When the cement cement has early cracks, it can be repaired by induction. Compared with CaCl2 accelerator, the nano-silicon accelerator developed by Schlumberger increased the compressive strength of cement stone at 48h and 7d by 30% and 136%, respectively. The high-density cement slurry system developed by Sinopec Engineering Institute has been applied in Guanshen 1 well, with a high density of 2.82g/cm3.
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