
The new era civilization practice point of Rudong County non public enterprise

發布時間:2020-09-30 09:07:29 查看次數:2827次
Unveiling ceremony on the afternoon of December 29, 2018, Jiangsu Rutong Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd. also held the unveiling ceremony of new era civilization practice point of Jiangsu Rutong Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd., which is also the new era civil

Unveiling ceremony

Unveiling ceremony on the afternoon of December 29, 2018, Jiangsu Rutong Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd. also held the unveiling ceremony of new era civilization practice point of Jiangsu Rutong Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd., which is also the new era civilization practice point of non-public enterprises in the county!
Zhang Rongrong, member of the Standing Committee of the county Party committee and director of the publicity department, Zhai Jianhua, Secretary of the district Party Working Committee, Xu Hongxia, deputy secretary of the district Party Working Committee and Secretary of the discipline inspection work committee, attended the ceremony.
All senior executives, all in-service party members and some employee representatives of Rutong Co., Ltd. attended the unveiling ceremony.

? Zhang Rongrong, member of the Standing Committee of the county Party committee and Minister of publicity, and Xu Bobing, general manager of Rutong Co., Ltd., jointly unveiled the new era civilization practice point of Rutong.

? The unveiling ceremony was presided over by Shi xiufei, deputy secretary of general Party branch of Rutong Co., Ltd., and Xu Bobing, general manager of the company, delivered a speech.

Volunteer service
At the unveiling ceremony, Xu Bobing, general manager of the company, presented flags to four volunteer service teams of technical innovation, quality improvement, cultural publicity and youth commando, and released the volunteer service menu in early 2019.

? Zhang Youhua, director of enterprise management, and Chen Haoran, Secretary of the Youth League Committee, respectively spoke on behalf of the cultural propaganda and volunteer service team of the youth commando.

? Xu Hongxia, deputy secretary of the district Party Working Committee and Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, attended the unveiling ceremony and delivered a speech.

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