
The company held a seminar on wellhead automation equipment

發布時間:2020-09-30 08:40:57 查看次數:2593次
On October 20, nearly 40 oil and gas drilling engineering experts, relevant persons in charge of oil drilling and production enterprises and oil drilling equipment manufacturers gathered in Jiangsu Rutong Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd.

On October 20, nearly 40 oil and gas drilling engineering experts, relevant persons in charge of oil drilling and production enterprises and oil drilling equipment manufacturers gathered in Jiangsu Rutong Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd. to visit and inspect the progress of Rutong wellhead automation equipment project.
In recent years, with the development of the wellhead automation equipment, such as the oil and gas chuck, the development of automatic drilling equipment, such as drilling fluid, automatic scraper, etc., has been promoted , Sinopec, CNOOC and major engine plants have been applied. In September 2017, at the kick-off meeting of CNPC wellhead automation project, the company took over the research and development tasks of hydraulic elevator, power slip, pneumatic mud scraper and other products. At present, the project has achieved phased results.

After the visit, academician Su Yinao of the Chinese Academy of Engineering spoke highly of the development of Rutong. He said that Rutong has gone through a typical path from a local state-owned enterprise to a listed company, which is closely related to the process of China's reform and opening up. Especially in recent years, the exploration of wellhead automation equipment of the enterprise has been in the forefront of most peers, enjoying a certain reputation at home and abroad, and the brand influence is expanding constantly. He believes that technology projects in non-public enterprises need courage and determination, which is exactly what Rutong shares has. He hopes that enterprises will firmly believe in the concept of "technology is productivity" and continue to promote production with science and technology in the future development process.

At the seminar, the expert group and his party put forward corresponding opinions and suggestions on the relevant issues involved in the development of Rutong wellhead automation equipment project.
Chen Lei, deputy secretary of the county Party committee, welcomed the expert group's visit. When introducing Rudong's economic and social development to the experts, he said that Rudong has distinct regional characteristics and unique advantages, especially in recent years, focusing on building three business cards of "Oriental deepwater port, green energy city and yellow sea tourism destination", Rudong has gathered development elements in an all-round way to attract and carry major projects The advantages are increasingly obvious. He hoped that with the help of this opportunity, the members of the expert group would promote the highlights and characteristics of Rudong in various aspects in the future, so as to drive people from all walks of life to invest in Rudong and develop business, so as to inject new vitality into Rudong's development. He fully affirmed Rutong's contribution to Rudong's economic and social development over the years and the leading role played by Cao Caihong, chairman of the board of directors of the county Women Entrepreneurs Association. He hoped that Rutong could continue to adhere to the core concept of "quality-oriented", improve products and services, and realize high-quality development of enterprises.

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