
The company and Ju Town Branch of Rudong Taxation Bureau held the party building

發(fā)布時間:2020-09-28 17:38:16 查看次數(shù):1794次
On the afternoon of January 15, 2020, the company and Ju Town Branch of Rudong Taxation Bureau jointly held the party building interconnection co construction activity of "never forgetting the original intention, going far, tax enterprise co construction

On the afternoon of January 15, 2020, the company and Ju Town Branch of Rudong Taxation Bureau jointly held the party building interconnection co construction activity of "never forgetting the original intention, going far, tax enterprise co construction and exhibition of new chapter". The whole activity not only has the splendid interesting talent display, the rich and colorful interesting team activity, but also revolves around the theme education, the tax enterprise culture knowledge question and answer. The activity ended perfectly in the chorus "No Communist Party, no new China".

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