
Rutong Team

School-company cooperation

On December 17, 2012, the "Petroleum Machinery and Equipment Research Center" and "Graduate Student Joint Cultivation Work Station" were founded under a concerted effort between the company and the Xi’an Shiyou University. In July 2013, a partnership with Wuhan University of Science and Technology produced the "Jiangsu Province Academician Corporate Work Station," which provides intelligence support and technical assurances beneficial to talent cultivation, technological innovation and product upgrade.

The company established internal platforms that function as stages for employees to shine and realize their own values. Public recruitment method is adopted for mid-level management positions and key positions, and the persisting personnel philosophy places emphasis on both virtue and talent, with opportunities for capable persons and none for incapable persons. Distinguished human resources with sound political acumen, proficient job competency and clear sense of responsibility are fully harnessed for their potentials, which bolsters the impetus needed for sustainable and healthy growth of the company.

Rutong is committed to fostering an environment conducive to talent cultivation and development. Foregoing traditional hiring models, human resources are selected through a broad spectrum of criteria, virtue, knowledge, proficiency, responsibility and performance are all deemed key indicators in personnel assessment, individual characteristics are fully respected, each person's unique attributes are maximized, and stages for talents to actualize their values are founded so that everyone may join hands in creating a beautiful "Rutong" future.

Policy support

For the various types of human resources introduced to the company and having stayed at Rudong County for three years, those holding master's degree or above are given a monthly stipend of RMB1,000 per month by the local government in addition to the salary paid, while the company provides housing suites with full amenities.

For those that newly register and qualified for provincial-or-above level talent introduction plan support in Rudong County, the local talent development special fund program will provide an additional 50% funding support; for projects carried out by overseas individual talents and the companies they work for that receive provincial-or-above level study abroad personnel science and technology preferential support of various categories, additional funding support will be provided at a ratio of 1:1.

In order to encourage talents with household registration in Rudong County to return, for graduates from Project 985 or Project 211 universities with full-time enrollment master's degree or above that have served local enterprise for three full years, other than entitlement to corresponding policy support, housing property purchase subsidy, subsistence allowance and personal income tax preferential treatment after evaluation, the Rudong County Government will also provide a one-off tuition subsidy of RMB20,000 per person for master's degree-holder and RMB30,000 per person for doctoral degree-holder.

Salary for graduate students introduced by the company could reach as high as 1.5-times the local average salary, and salary for undergraduate students introduced by the company could reach as high as 1.1-times the local average salary.

Intern training process

Intern arrival training: Two to four days training including courses for aspects such as corporate culture, occupational safety, rules and regulations and professionalism, so as to help interns quickly assimilate into the new environment and expedite their transition from a school campus mentality to a real-world professional mentality.

On-the-job training: While an intern is appointed to a specific position, based on the department he or she works for an employee mentor will be arranged to provide one-on-one and thorough on-the-job training.

Professionalization system training course: Professionalization system training are held regularly (in accordance with the company's employee training plan), with courses divided into the technical category and managerial category. Course lecturers are leaders from relevant departments, and through training in these serial courses, interns can effectively combine theories learned in school with actual practice, which would help elevate their occupational skill-set and professionalism.

Employee Benefits

Dining and accommodation: The company has cafeteria and on-shift employees are entitled to one free meal per shift; staffs living far away are provided with employee apartment.

Insurance: "Five insurances and housing provident fund" are paid for in accordance with laws and regulations.

Position subsidy: Skill-based subsidies are provided based on job position.

Year-end bonus: Year-end bonus is paid based on company performance.

Birthday cake: A birthday cake is presented to employee on the eve of his or her birthday.

Training: The company organizes professional and systematic employee trainings for skills, aptitudes and other aspects.

Career Development

As key subjects for cultivation conducive to the company's future development, Rutong provides all interns with a fair and competitive development platform. Promotion from intern status to official employment is founded upon full-spectrum assessment and examination, while the process is supplemented by humanistic care and the people-first, scientific and rational corporate culture.

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